“Now he who plants and he who waters are one…but it is God who gives the increase.” I Cor. 3:7,8

Opportunities for giving in 2024:

  • Funds to complete Alegre Vamos church and pastor’s house – windows, electric and bathrooms
  • Funds for medical boat dock in Bujaru
  • Continued funding for medicines and medical boat trips on the Guama, Capim and Moju Rivers.
  • First phase of construction of Vila Aviva safe home – foundation, walls and roof
  • Support for Toth family

Thank you, each of you who are praying and supporting this ministry. God’s purposes are being fulfilled. He is raising up His church, strong and mighty, to reach out to the weak, the hurting, the least and the last who still need to hear about His wonderful plan of salvation.

Scott, Michelle and Family

Checks for both personal family support and for Hope Ministries donations should be made payable to Hope Ministries. All donations are tax deductable.

“Again, I tell you this: If two of you agree on earth about anything you pray for, it will be done for you by My Father in heaven.” Matt 18:19


God has answered so many prayers for us this last year! In February of 2023, we started praying together as a couple for about an hour each day, agreeing together as Jesus told us to do Matthew 18:19. We have seen God answer prayers for our family and children and every area of the ministry. Michelle had a severe cerebellar stroke in April, but God has healed her completely and we are believing God to give us many more years together to serve Him here in Brazil.

Ministry Prayer Requests:
Strong leaders to pastor our river churches that understand what it means to be true disciples of Jesus and follow Him
whatever the cost.
▪ A strong, united leadership team for our growing Castanhal City Church.
▪ Provision for building first phase of Vila Aviva safe home in Bujaru.
▪ Provision for ongoing construction of river churches and pastors’ houses.
▪ Development of Bible School for training missionaries and river pastors.
▪ Continued development of retreat and training center in Açu.

Pray for the Toth family…..for health, strength and wisdom for this next year of 2024!