Ministry Update Dec. 2019

Update December 2019 Learn more clik in the Photo At this very special time of year, we celebrate that Jesus came. He came bringing hope, He came bringing life, He came bringing joy, He…

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Ministry Update Hig. 2018

Update Highlights 2018 Learn more clik in the Photo Alegre Vamos is a community that God first put on our hearts in June of 2017 when we took our small riverboat up the Capim…

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Ministry Update Oct – Dec 2018

Update October – December 2018 Learn more clik in the Photo In the beginning of the year Alcione was diagnosed with cancer and started chemotherapy. Our church members in Açu heard of her situation…

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Ministry Update Sept. 2018

Update August – September 2018 Learn more clik in the Photo In August we were able to make an awsome trip up the Moju River in our medial boat. Along with a ministry team…

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Ministry Update Hig. 2017

Update Higlights 2017 Learn more clik in the Photo At this very special time of year, we celebrate that Jesus came. He came bringing hope, He came bringing life, He came bringing joy, He…

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