Update Jan – April 2024


Update Highlights 2023

Update Oct – Dec 2023

Update July – Sept 2023

Update Apr – June 2023


Update Jan – March 2023


Update Highlights 2022

Update Oct – Dec 2022

Update Aug – Sept 2022

Update Jan – March 2022

Update May – July 2022


This summer we were able to hold Vacation Bible School for children in four of our churches – Castanhal, Bujaru, Açu and Paritá. We had a total of 215 children come. […]

Update Highlights 2021

Six years ago, the Lord provided our first medical boat, Esperança II, to minister to the people along the Guama, Capim and Moju Rivers. He gave us the promise that those who “go out bearing precious seed would come again rejoicing, bring their harvest with them.” Psalms 126. […]

Update October – November 2021

Two years ago we were blessed with a building for our first Hope Ministries church on the Moju River at Paritá. This November a team came from Fields of Harvest Church in Texas to help us restore the church building. […]

Update August – September 2021

God is bringing revival to the churches and young people of Brazil! This September the young people of our Castanhal Church held two weeks of “Revival Nights”. They hosted a Hungry Generations team from Pasco, Washington to minister at two crusades. […]

Update May – July 2021

These last three months we were able to send out medical and dental teams each month reaching the communities of Mocajuba, Bujaru and Alegre Vamos. Hundreds of patients were treated. […]

Update January – April 2021

Our first mission trip this year was to the river community of São Lopes on the Guama River. Twice our medical boat had stopped at this community in 2020 when returning from Capim River trips and both times the people we met at the river edge begged us to come back and hold a clinic and a church meeting. […]

Update Highlights 2020

Our year started out with a fantastic medical team from Ontario Christian Fellowship spending a week with us in
February. Two newly equipped dental rooms on the medical boat were used for the first time by dentists that came
on the trip. […]

Update November – December 2020

As we celebrate this special time of year, we remember the birth of our Lord and Savior who
came to earth for us. […]

Update August – October 2020

After months of our children’s ministries being shut down by the pandemic, we are so thankful to be able to start ministering to children again in our river churches!! Each year we use the Brazilian holiday of October 12 called “Children’s Day” to plan special times of sharing the love of Jesus with children who live in the poorer families along the rivers. […]

Update April – July 2020

Ana Cleide is a woman that Deborah first met when she was making visits with a small mission’s team to the community of Mocajuba, half an hour by boat from our river church in Betel. […]

Update January – March 2020

In February a team of doctors, dentists, nurses, dental assistants, physical therapist assistant, pharmaceutical researcher, psychologist, pastor and volunteers came for one week to minister to over 300 patients on the Guama and Capim Rivers.[…]

Highlights 2019

The first river base God gave us, 7 years ago, was on the Guama River on the edge of the small river city of Bujaru. Eight years ago this river town had the highest rate of poverty and alcoholism of any city in the state of Pará where we live.[…]

Update december 2019

At this very special time of year, we celebrate that Jesus came. He came bringing hope, He came bringing life, He came bringing joy, He came bringing His answer to our every need. We have asked many of you to pray for our son in law, Marcos Nogueira, Rachel’s husband. […]

Update Sept – Nov 2019

Hope Ministries Church in the community of Açu is growing! Every Saturday a group of young people from our Castanhal church travel to our river church of Açu to hold a Bible class for the children in that area.[…]

Update June – July 2019

God has done a great miracle in taking our family back to the Moju River! The building above at Paritá was originally built in 2004 by our family and a team from Fields of Harvest Church in Texas for Project Amazon. Three years ago, God confirmed to us that He wanted us to establish a base for Hope Ministries on the Moju River, in the community of Paritá.[…]

Update March – May 2019

March 4-6 we held our yearly church camp in Bujaru. Eightyfive young people attended. The theme was revival. There was teaching on what it means to be truly born again, walking in consecration and purity, and learning to minister supernaturally to win the lost for Jesus.[…]

Highlights 2018

Alegre Vamos is a community that God first put on our hearts in June of 2017 when we took our small riverboat up the Capim River looking for places that God would have us reach out to with clinics and evangelism.[…]
Update October – December 2018

In the beginning of the year Alcione was diagnosed with cancer and started chemotherapy. Our church members in Açu heard of her situation and shared the Lord with her. Alcione gave her life to Jesus. As Alcione stood in the water at her baptism she shared that she is so happy to know that, regardless of the outcome of her cancer, she already has eternal life with the Lord.[…]

Update August – September 2018

In August we were able to make an awsome trip up the Moju River in our medial boat. Along with a ministry team from Texas, we traveled 24 hours up river – 11 hours further than we had traveled on any previous trip. Our desire was to see what the extent of the populated area on the river is in order to pray and see where God would lead us for future church plants.[…]

Update April – July 2018

Sandro and Izamara are a young couple that live in the community of Livramento along the Capim River. In January of this year we made our first trip to their village with our medical boat. Sandro had been having convulsions, difficulty walking, and was losing control of the left side of his body. […]

Update January – March 2018

The week before Easter God sent a team of two doctors, a nurse practitioner, a psychologist, a drug researcher, two pastors and four youth from Ohio to go up the Amazon River tributaries to minister to communities on the Guama and Capim Rivers.[…]

Highlights 2017

The purpose of Hope Ministries is to advance the Kingdom of God, byplanting churches and bringing new life in Christ to people that have livedin darkness and without hope. […]

Update Outubro – December 2017

Two years ago, a team of 6 set out from our Bujaru Church in our smaller mission boat, and travelled up the Guama and Capim Rivers to assess the need for churches and medical help for the people there. We spent two days on the river and discovered an unending need for both health care and the message of the gospel […]

Update June – August 2017

The Kingdom of Heaven was the theme of our Vacation Bible Schools this summer. A total of 180 children attended the 3 Bible Schools. It was the first for our church in Açu and 65 children came […]

Update Abril – May 2017

Miriam first invited us to visit her home in Jacarécunha, in November 2016. She is a beautiful young lady of 26 and has 3 children ages 8, 6 and 1. Miriam is a cousin […]

Update Feb – Mar 2017

The last week of January God blessed with the opening of our 3rd Hope Ministries church in Brazil! The church is located in Açu, a small town of about 1200 people on the Mocajuba River, near the mouth of the Amazon […]

Highlights 2016

God has provided a beautiful boat for medical ministry on the Guama, Capim and Moju Rivers! Through your gifts and donations we were able to purchase and remodel this boat to be used for medical and nursing clinics as well as for evangelism and church plant […]

Update Nov – Dec 2016

The last week of October we held nursing and dental clinics in the communities of Bujaru and Conceição. We were able to see 40 patients, hold workshops on hygiene and water treatment and give fluoride treatment to all the children[…]

Update Sept – Oct 2016

Here is an Update about our first trip with the Medical Boat. God is SO faithful! Thank you so much for your prayer and support for the work here!

Update June – Aug 2016

After 8 months of praying, planning, your many generous donations and much hard work, our boat is ready! This first week of September we will be picking up our medical boat from the boat yard where it has been remodeled and will be piloting it to our Bujaru church […]

Update April – May 2016

One of the requirements for using the medical boat that we are purchasing is that we have a licensed crew of River Able Seamen to navigate the boat. God provided an opening for 4 of our workers to take a one week course with the Brazilian Navy to receive their boat licenses. […]

Update Feb – March 2016

YOUTH CAMP, February 8 – 10 of this year, was our best camp yet! The camp this year was so special because we could see God answering years of prayer to give the young people from our Castanhal city church a heart for mission work on the rivers […]

Highlights 2015

We are purchasing a boat for our medical ministry! After 6 years of praying, planning, searching, raising funds and waiting, God has answered our prayers in leading us to the right boat. In November we visited a city in the Belem area that we had not been to before and there we found this beautiful boat for sale. […]

Update Oct – Dec 2015

This week we made a trip up the Guama and Capim Rivers in our small mission boat to look for communities where Jesus has not yet been preached. Our purpose is to penetrate the darkness with the good news of Jesus, the Light of the World.[…]

Update Aug – Sept 2015


Lucas underwent brain surgery in August. He is the little boy from Bujaru that had an advanced brain tumor. The doctors told his family that he would probably not leave the hospital alive. But God heard the prayers of His people and has given us a miracle[…]

Update May – July 2015


Lucas, 12 years old, is one of the Bujaru children that gave his heart to Jesus at the VBS we had last year in August. His father is a fisherman and struggles to support his wife and their 5 children. One of Lucas’s siblings died at the age of 2 and since then his mother went into depression and does not leave the house. […]

Update April 2015

We have been so privileged to have the Smith family from Texas here these last 2 months […]. Their children are some of the sweetest and most helpful kids we know! Jeremy and Patricia have served sacrificially in fixing countless things […]

Highlights 2014

2014 was a year of reaching children! Amanda was one of the Bujarú children whose life dramatically changed through the ministry of a team of 24 parents and children from Fields of Harvest Church in Texas. She lives with her parents next to the garbage dump in Bujarú. She used to come alone to church and completely disrupt every service […].

Update December 2014

Because of your support, Hope Ministries was able to give 60 children  in  Bujarú the only Christmas gift they will receive this year. Most of these children come from extremely difficult family situations and their happiest time of the week is coming to the children’s church service each Saturday in Bujarú […].

Update June-July 2014

We are believing God to help us put the boat in the water this next month. There are families to reach in Conceição. There are river children to bring to our Vacation Bible School in Bujarú that starts August 12. There are teams ready to go out and do medical work and reach new communities along the Guamá River […].

Update March-April 2014

4 couples from our Bujarú congregation believe that God is calling them to be church workers. When these 4 couples saw in the Word that God’s plan for families is marriage and faithfulness to one life partner, they desired to obey God’s standards and not the cultural standards of their past lives. All 4 couples had children, some already teenagers. When God miraculously provided funds for their marriage […].

Highlights 2013

This year God provided for us lighted dirt road through the jungle by a series of miraculous interventions. First, a church neighbor agreed to sell us a 15ft wide x 600ft long path through the middle of his property. Then God provided the funds. Then […].

Highlights 2012

When 2012 began, we knew that this would be the year to plant our first river church. Miracles began to happen in May when God opened doors by giving us an ideal port property for our first river church and future medical boat. Even before the church building was started, meetings were being held in a home near our church property. God began to move […].